
Attendance System- Biometric Time Tracking | Business Software

The Attendance System Your Business Has Been Waiting For

Let’s face it: there are a lot of variables in play at the modern workplace. Any time the human element is at work there’s the potential for mistakes, miscalculations, or even dishonesty. When there are so many unknowns, why wouldn’t you want to take some of the uncertainty out of the equation? If your business depends on a workforce of any size, an automated attendance system might be exactly what you’ve been waiting for to make everyone’s lives a little simpler.

So what can an automated attendance system do for you? With MinuteHound, it begins with one simple innovation: biometric technology. This is the technology that lets people unlock their smartphones, automobiles, or gun safes with just a press of their fingerprint. When biometrics become a part of the workplace, the results are just as convenient and efficient. Our attendance system lets people operate your company’s time clock using their fingerprint, meaning they spend less time waiting to clock out and more time getting home to their friends or loved ones.

The Time and Attendance System For All Size Operations

Anybody who’s ever worked in a warehouse will appreciate the benefits of shaving just a few seconds off of everybody’s end-of-shift routine. Not only that, but cutting down on the frustration that time clocks so often invite is a quick and easy way to improve morale around the workplace. You’ll be seeing benefits that aren’t just a quick fix: this is a long-term solution.

Because our attendance system is powered by biometrics, you’ll also appreciate that you won’t have to purchase, store, or distribute time cards. You’ll be able to reclaim a little bit of storage space around the workplace. In fact, there’s exceptionally little paperwork involved at all; your company’s attendance records are entirely digital, kept safely stored in the cloud. That means you’ll save digital space as well as physical space. Because it’s cloud-based, the MinuteHound attendance system is also a great solution for those who work remotely: managers now have access to current attendance data from home or anywhere else.

Work Smarter Not Harder With MinuteHound’s Time Attendance System

Of course, our attendance system isn’t only about the technological innovations. You’re also getting around-the-clock support. Our attendance system is seamlessly installed and operated with virtually no learning curve, but as with any new technology, some growing pains are possible. That’s why MinuteHound is committed to standing by to answer any questions you have along the way. We’ve built our reputation on the satisfaction of our customers, who come to us from a wide variety of industries. We want you to be satisfied, and we’re confident that you will be. That’s why we offer a risk-free, no obligation trial period. We stand by our attendance system products, and after they’ve become a daily part of your workplace, we’re confident you will as well.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Attendance System.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!