
Christmas Shopping Staffing Concerns for Employers

Holiday Staffing Concerns for Employers

The holiday season is fast approaching and with it a huge influx of shoppers. Most businesses do not have enough staff on hand to handle this type of volume. Additional employees must be hired to assist with the increased workload. You have many staffing concerns over these new and temporary staff additions. These may include:

Untrained Personnel
When hiring seasonal individuals, it is still very important to be sure they are properly trained. If a new employees is just put to work without the proper introductions and details of goods and services, it will reflect poorly on the company.

Reduce these staffing concerns by teaming your new employees with your seasoned staff. They will always have someone they can to to with questions or concerns. Be sure they know everything possible about your products or services before allowing them to begin working. Training, ongoing support, and a positive atmosphere will go far in making this season successful for your business and your staff.

Another one of your staffing concerns is that seasonal employees do not always take their jobs seriously. Oftentimes you will find yourself replacing some of these employees before the holiday season has barely begun. To reduce turnover, be sure you provide a positive environment, a flexible schedule, and possibly even bonuses at the end of the season.

Time Theft and Buddy Punching

Theft is not just about taking physical objects from a store or warehouse. It can be about stealing ideas or even time. Having other individuals clock in for them is one manner in which new employees get paid for more than what they worked. Or they may leave early and then ask their friends on the job to clock them out. Some may even remain on the clock to gain overtime pay. These situations are definitely theft and happen more often than some would think. Due to this staffing concern, your business would lose money during this critical time so it is important to have safeguards in place.

One way to guard against this type of staffing concerns is to use biometric fingerprint technology to track employee time and attendance. This will greatly lessen your staffing concerns and ensure that only the persons who is working can clock themselves in and out because of the use of fingerprints for authorization. Management can check to view who is working from anywhere in the world.

Your staffing concerns are not unfounded, but by paying attention to the details and implementing new software, you should survive the holiday season with strong sales and an impressive staff.

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