
Employee Monitoring Software- Track Movement 24/7 From Anywhere

MinuteHound’s Fresh Approach to Employee Monitoring Software

Business owners and managers have to walk a thin line: a minimum amount of employee supervision is always going to be necessary, but not to the point where it becomes a distraction or starts to undermine the employees’ feelings autonomy.

If your company is struggling with maintaining this balance, it may be time to invest in new employee monitoring software. The idea might at first seem like a strange one – as though turning over control to software will cause employees to be distrustful, but the truth will likely surprise them (and you).

By allowing automated employee monitoring software to take up the majority of your timekeeping responsibilities, your managers will be better able to take a step back and become more personally invested in the lives of employees, rather than being overly concerned and distracted with employee tracking and monitoring.

How Is the MinuteHound Approach Different?
The MinuteHound approach to employee monitoring software is different. We’ve focused our efforts on providing hardware and software solutions that become seamless, unobtrusive additions to your daily life in the workplace. By and large, the lives of your employees won’t change that much, and that’s in everybody’s best interests.

The changes that will take place are most certainly going to be in everybody’s best interests. The MinuteHound employee monitoring software system starts with an intuitive biometric fingerprint time clock. It provides a simpler and more streamlined approach to employee time tracking and eliminates frequent sources of error and frustration.

If your company has ever had problems with time theft, those days could soon be behind you. With our biometric time clock, employees can only clock in for themselves. Time theft and other types of fraud can cost the average company many thousands of dollars every year; at MinuteHound, we want to make this problem a thing of the past.

Cloud-Based Employee Monitoring Software
Part of our novel approach to employee monitoring software involves our seamless integration of powerful cloud technology. Your employee timekeeping data will be automatically uploaded to your company’s personal cloud, ensuring that it remains accessible from almost anywhere in the world. If your company relies on remote working, this could prove to be a valuable tool.

Of course, we’ve also designed our employee monitoring software with security in mind; your data is always encrypted using industry-standard 128-bit protection, letting you rest assured that your company’s sensitive documents are safe from prying eyes.

Rediscover Efficiency
If your company has been searching for a way to improve productivity and efficiency, you may have been looking in the wrong places. By upgrading your employee monitoring software, you’ll be better aware of how and when your employees are working, allowing you to make more informed managerial decisions.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Employee Monitoring Software.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!