
Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013: New Technology Decreases Spending

The Official Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013

When conducting the fingerprint time clock review 2013, experts found that MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock can prevent major payroll losses by helping employers eliminate or reduce buddy punching and other misuse of time clock by employees. Biometrics makes it impossible for another employee to swipe or enter information for another employee. This is how businesses gain control of their profitability when they use MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock system.

Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013: Description of MinuteHound
MinuteHound uses biometric fingerprint technology to eliminate time theft in the workplace. Live reporting is possible from any place in the world with an Internet connection. The system is inexpensive, and there are no time cards or inventory to keep track of with this impressive system. The best part is that employers will receive an email or text every time an employee is late or leaves early from their shift.

Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013: How MinuteHound’s System Works
The system requires each employee to swipe their fingerprint to provide a unique way of identifying employees when they sign into the system. The system may also work by using an entire hand-print for recognition. Once the fingerprint is correctly matched with the name, the employee will be clocked in or out of the system.

Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013: Benefits of MinuteHound
Most people think that time and attendance software by MinuteHound is user-friendly and easy to use. The time clock software is intuitive and works from a plug-and-play system. You won’t need a lot of training to use the system even if you’re a novice computer user.

Another great advantage found in performing the fingerprint time clock review 2013 is the risk-free guarantee. This allows users to try the product without losing money if it doesn’t work for their company. Most clients appreciate companies who can stand behind their product.

MinuteHound also reduces the number of lawsuits filed because of payroll or work time because it’s so precise that mistakes are minimized. Most employers use MinuteHound to prevent employee time theft and buddy swiping, but when systems fail, they are subject to lawsuits. These lawsuits can drain a companies finances and leave them in financial ruin. Biometric fingerprint technology verifies that punches are authentic, and there can be no argument about the record.

MinuteHound will save time on payroll calculations and eliminate manual processes. Employee errors will also be reduced. With automatic calculations, time and attendance records are not as difficult. We use 128-bit encryption to transfer data. Your data is always secure with our fingerprint time clock. If something does go wrong, the company will offer around-the-clock service. Most companies prefer the system for this reason.

Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013: Overview of MinuteHound’s Fingerprint Time Clock
In conclusion of the fingerprint time clock review 2013, experts recommend MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Clock for employers who don’t want to keep track of their employees by physically watching their behaviors. It’s difficult to defraud MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock. Thus, it’s considered a great investment. Experts hope that you’ll find the fingerprint time clock review 2013 helpful.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Fingerprint Time Clock Review 2013.

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