
Integrated Time Clock Software for Small Business

Why Time Clock Software Is So Important

Most small business owners simply have their employees sign time sheets or use the honor system to pay them. This is the WRONG way to track time and attendance. For starters, you need to pay them accurately in order to keep your local, state, and federal tax records in order. Also, employees get mad when they get fired. They also sue their employers at record rates. Having time clock software that uses biometric technology not only keeps them honest while they work for you, it keeps them honest even when they don’t. The only way to record time is by being physically present and pressing a finger down on the scanner. If they are not there, they can’t clock in. Buddy punching and friends covering for each other is over. They cannot dispute the time worked.

Time clock software will not only save money and future headaches, but it is super easy to install. Its a 1 click download and within a few minutes you are up and running. MinuteHound has around the clock technical support as well to help with registering employees or any questions you might have. Very quick setup that uses plug and play to make it easy as possible. In fact, after installing the time clock software it simply runs in the background and you will never have to mess with it again. As a manager, everything you will do will be online. Editing reports, running payroll, etc is all done online from anywhere you have an internet connection.

Time Clock Software Is The Cure!

Is time theft a plague on your business? Then time clock software is the cure! Don’t feel too bad as everyone from a small business to large fortune 100 companies are plagued with time theft. Without using proper technology, almost impossible to stop employees from covering for each other. That is why MinuteHound exists. It was built by small business owners for small business owners. Time clock software offers an array of benefits and cost cutting advantages. Call MinuteHound today and find out more!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock Software.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!