
Time and Attendance For 2020 and Beyond!

Time and attendance is a staple in every business around the globe. Regardless of language, customs, culture, industry or background; employees do not work for free! Everyone needs a paycheck. Can’t get too far in life without money in the bank. Some people love their job, some people hate their job, but no matter what, everyone needs a job. It is the employer who needs to properly his or her work staff with correct procedures and maintain costs. Time and attendance can be a huge drain. Most employees steal time. Matter of fact, over 90% of employees steal time! Whether it is an extended lunch break, sneaking out 10 minutes early, or a combination of bad habits. Employers need a system in place that does not allow for this type of behavior at work.

MinuteHound has made huge advances in the time and attendance technology sector. There is no other system that even comes close in regards to price, features, and most importantly, effectiveness. With the MinuteHound system in place, there is not even an option to cheat, steal, or fudge numbers. Employees come to work and place their finger on the scanner which identifies them and stats recording their time. Same quick process for breaks and exits. The only way to get paid using MinuteHound is by showing up and working! No more stealing time and without a doubt no more inflated paychecks.

Time and Attendance Easy Peasy
The best part of MinuteHound is this technology does not expire, only gets better! All updates are included with a paid subscription. So no matter what the demands of tomorrow will be, MinuteHound will meet and exceed them. Been that way for the past 10 years. MinuteHound has helped small businesses to very large fortune 500 companies. Now, it is your turn! Try it out today and see for yourself.

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory. MinuteHound We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours. Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today! TimeClock@MinuteHound.com