
Time and Attendance That Also Stops Time Theft

MinuteHound’s Time and Attendance System – What It can Do For Your Company

Time theft is a huge problem in businesses across the world. In fact, a study by Software Informer reports that at least 43 percent of employees have admitted to time theft in some form. Whether employees cheat their time and attendance reports, make personal phone calls on company time or take a few extra minutes in their breaks, it is costing your company a large amount of time and money.

Why Should I Worry About Time Theft?

Time theft is more of a threat to your profit margin than you might realize. In business, time is money, and when employees are spending parts of the day being unproductive, the company suffers. Even a few minutes can mean serious losses, particularly in a company with a large number of employees.

Let’s say you have a company with 500 employees, and eight percent of these employees have admitted to spending company time on the phone. That’s 40 unproductive employees. Space even three minutes across a year, and you’re taking a $73,000 loss from those 40 employees. That is over 30 percent more than the average household makes in a year, according to the latest United States census data from 2015.

About the MinuteHound Time and Attendance Software

The MinuteHound time and attendance software can help prevent time theft in the workplace. The software uses cutting-edge technology to keep track of time and attendance data for every employee. Instead of paper punch cards or magnetic badges, employees punch in and out of the system using their fingerprint.

The system works very simply. A small USB scanning device is installed on any computer in the network. You do not need a dedicated server. From there, it’s a simple matter of following the on-screen instructions to install MinuteHound’s software and voila! You’re ready to begin tracking employees’ time and attendance data!

Why Should My Company Use the MinuteHound Time and Attendance Solution?

There are many reasons why you should use MinuteHound’s time and attendance system, including:

  1. The system can positively identify who is actually punching in, thereby stopping buddy-punching in its tracks.
  2. Computerized timekeeping eliminates errors in payroll and saves time and money on payroll processing and office supplies
  3. Secured cloud server allows system access from anywhere in the world on any wireless device.
  4. The system is affordable, easy to implement and low-maintenance.
  5. A customizable alert system sends you a message via E-mail or SMS when it detects tardiness, unauthorized overtime, over-extended breaks and many other forms of time theft.

Free 21-Day Trial Available

MinuteHound is now offering a free 21-day trial of one of the leading time and attendance data solutions available today! To sign up for this free trial, visit the MinuteHound website and fill in the simple form. You don’t need a credit card handy, and there is no obligation to keep the system in your company. If you wish to cancel your free trial, you may do so at any time during the trial period.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time and Attendance.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!