
Why A Time Clock Is The Most Important Investment A Business Owner Can Make

Spend Money On A Time Clock?

That is exactly what you should do! Typically in every business labor and employee related costs are the highest of any budget. People don’t usually work for free. They want to be paid! That is why having a time clock is so important. Employees will buddy punch for each other and commit time theft every shift. In a typical 8 hour work day, the average employees steals over 50 minutes of time. In business we all know that time is money, so why pay employees for time they didn’t actually work! Having them record their own time on pen and paper or old time cards is not the way to go. Having a time and attendance system like this is the same as just throwing money away. To cut down costs and keep employees honest you need a time clock that gives them no other choice but to do the right thing. That system is MinuteHound!

Putting a biometric time clock to work for you is a very smart decision. For starters, time theft is dead. Friends at work cannot cover for each other. The only way they can be paid for their time is if they are at work to physically clock in. No questions or any other ways around this. Employees must be present to use MinuteHound. They place their finger down which first verifies them then starts to record their time. After they clock in, off to work they go. If they arrived late then the time card will prove that. No fudging numbers or writing down when they arrived in the parking lot. The time starts from when they are actually at work ready to work.

Which Time Clock Is The Best Choice?

There is really only 1 choice to make and that is MinuteHound! Don’t belive this blog just try it for yourself! It is called a free trial for a reason. No commitments or contacts for you to sign. If you love it awesome! Pay $1.00 a month per employee to use it. If you don’t like it, it simply won’t fit your business, no worries! You can cancel at anytime for any reason. You are only charged every 30 days, never locked into anything. Try it today and you will be wishing you found this technology long ago!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!