
Advantages of Cloud Computing and Employee Time and Attendance

Cloud Computing For Business and Payroll

It seems as almost everyday a new product, update, or app is being released. It is hard to keep up with technology or the latest developments when you manage and/or own a business. From large corporations to small businesses, payroll and employee time tracking are essential functions of operations. Cloud computing has taken drastic changes in order to benefit employers and increase workplace efficiency. Cloud computing is a technology which enables people to store and retrieve data from anywhere. Almost every business is switching to a cloud computing based service to meet many needs.

MinuteHound specializes in biometric time and attendance, which means each and every employee has to be physically present to clock-in and out of work. They have to scan their finger to record their time worked, which means no more buddy punching or stolen time. Biometrics have profound effects on a business which lowers costs, increases productivity, and sparks a positive change in the workplace. Cloud computing is the other side to MinuteHound, for when an employee scans their finger, those times are instantly transferred to the cloud.

How Does MinuteHound and Cloud Computing Work?

When an employee shows up to work or takes a break or wants to leave for the day, they simply press their finger or thumb onto the scanner. This time is an accurate punch that can not be disputed. Nothing is ever stored on the scanner or the computer itself, but instead transferred offsite to the cloud. This is how cloud computing works for your business. As when it comes time for payroll, you can log-in from anywhere and edit reports, download them, and export within minutes.

All the calculations are done, and there is no more manual counting. Cloud computing makes it easy for managers and employers, as its mobile friendly. From any cell phone or tablet, you can log-in and check on employees, see what time they arrived/left and in which department they are in. MinuteHound has the latest and greatest biometric technology, and combined with cloud computing employers in every industry are able to save costs and make their life easier.

Cloud Computing Improves the Bottom-Line

Cloud computing and biometrics are proven to work. MinuteHound has a lifetime money back guarantee on every scanner purchased. There are no obligations of any kind, and you can cancel without hassle or fees anytime. Cloud computing in itself is a tool every business should be using, and now by being able to securely store their employee information helps protect them against lawsuits or having to sift through a file cabinet to find something. Try the system out today and start saving from the very first day.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Cloud Computing.

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