
How to Use Biometric Time Recording In Your Workplace

Why A Fingerprint Time Clock is Perfect for Every Office

If your office still has one of those old, outdated punch clocks with the paper time cards for your employees, you’ll definitely want to read on. Even if you’ve got a newer password model with employee IDs, you’ll still want to read on. There’s something even better: biometric time recording.

Biometric time recording is a new advancement in time clock technology that uses your fingerprint to record work time instead of wasteful time cards or inconvenient codes your employees have to remember. This technology has useful applications in any office out there today. Here’s why a brand new fingerprint time clock is perfect for you and your office.

No More Fraud

Remember the scene from “Employee of the Month” where Dane Cook’s character is late for work so his buddy punches in for him with his paper time card? Well, with biometric time recording this kind of “buddy punching” fraud is impossible. Because only that employee’s fingerprint will activate the system, there’s literally zero chance of any kind of fraud occurring.

Additionally, since everything is digital there’s zero chance your employees can physically alter the time on the clock to prevent them from getting marked as late. This encourages your team to arrive on time by providing a system that truly holds them accountable.

Save Money

Data gathered by the American Payroll Association estimates U.S. businesses lose around $148 billion annually from poor time accounting. The anti-fraud measures mentioned above along with the fully digital biometric time recording software employed means that a fingerprint time clock is immune to these kinds of inefficiencies.

Nothing to Remember

Sometimes your employees are not actually late but can be made late by forgetting their punch ID or by misplacing their paper time card. Getting all that sorted costs them valuable work time and costs business owners money and productivity. Biometric time recording software means that there’s nothing to remember. You literally carry your ID with you on your finger at all times, so there’s no number to remember, card to bring, or time card to misplace.

Save Time for Payroll

Biometric time recording offers a huge advantage over paper time cards: it saves you a lot of time. Since everything is recorded digitally, there are no time cards to keep track of. All of the data is right there in digital form ready to be used for payroll. That time can be instead used for more important tasks.

A Truly Great Solution

Biometric time recording is an excellent solution for any business looking to upgrade to a truly accurate and time-saving system. Employees will appreciate the ease of use. They will find themselves improving their timeliness with a system in place that truly holds them accountable. The administrative side also stands to win in the forms of time savings and money. So get out there and get your business a great biometric time recording system.

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Time Recording.

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