
Time and Attendance Technology Blog

How do you currently clock-in to work? Or how is it your staff does it? The answer could greatly vary! A manager might think their staff is following all the rules and procedures but the staff might have some hacks or “insider” way of doing things. The most typical form of time theft in the workplace is buddy punching. Where a friend or co-worker records time for someone else. Typically this bad habit is developed when both parties need help covering when they are late, need to leave early, take a long lunch break, etc. Time and attendance has changed dramatically over the years in order to address, identify, and solve these common workplace problems.

MinuteHound’s time and attendance technology has completely re-vamped and put a spin on things in the workplace. No more paper and pens. No more Usernames nor Passwords for employees to share or forget. Everything is online and it is all done through biometrics. In this specific case, fingerprints. Employees just press their finger down and off to work they go. No more cheating in the office. No more getting away with time theft. Payroll is done 100% accurately and swiftly. No more bloated paychecks and companies can start spending that money on their choosing rather than employees claiming they worked when in reality, they did not. Biometrics are fool proof. No more guessing or disputing. It is clear cut every time.

What To Look For in Time and Attendance
Well, cost for 1. Regardless of how good something works it has to be affordable. MinuteHound is priced by the amount of users you will have. So if you have a small company, you pay small! Large corporations and organizations are also paying for the amount of staff but with reasonable package discounts, etc. You also need something completely effective. Why pay for something that only half works? MinuteHound is very clear cut: you either love the product and pay for it or don’t. You can cancel anytime. No fees, no obligations, and best of all no hassle. You are billed every 30 days. Join now and experience the MinuteHound difference!

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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory. MinuteHound We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours. Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today! TimeClock@MinuteHound.com