
Time is Money and Money is Time and Attendance

Time and Attendance Means Focus Elsewhere

Managing time and attendance for payroll eats away at employee productivity. The employee dedicated to managing time and attendance may spend numerous hours entering payroll data for a handful of employees. Additional hours may be spent on managing any payroll errors that may occur as a result of a simple miscalculation. Multiple people involved in the payroll process can result in even more time invested in managing payroll. It’s no wonder why a small business staffed with many employees can spend hundreds of hours annually managing time and attendance.

If approximately 24 percent of small businesses spend 120 hours or more dealing with federal tax issues, then imagine what a simple mistake would contribute to the overall amount of time invested in payroll management. A simple error in tracking time and attendance repeated across multiple employees only drives up the amount of time put into correct payroll miscalculations.

Time Better Spent Elsewhere

Research indicates that 23 percent of small business owners spend at least 6 or more hours on managing time and attendance. If the person is better suited for sales or is actually trained to serve in a particular role, then that time spent on payroll is time misused. Employees should be utilized for their skill set responsible for driving core business, not managing time and attendance.

MinuteHound’s biometric fingerprint technology removes much of the errors associated with manual tasks for managing payroll. The time-saving solution gives employers the advantage of being able to use their staff wisely on tasks they are especially trained to do. Freeing up the employee’s time to allow them to concentrate exclusively on core business makes companies more competitive. In utilizing fingerprint technology instead of the traditional timecard, time data for each employee is managed accurately and monitored remotely. Employers can expect fewer errors and see a decrease in the amount of time required to manage payroll. Reporting generated by the MinuteHound system removes much of the errors that come with tracking employee hours.

Time and Attendance is Money in Your Pocket

Time is invaluable. This is especially true for businesses. Technologies like these save employers time in payroll management. The system reduces time and attendance tracking errors. It also reduces manual processes used to manage company payroll. Contact a representative today to learn what steps could be taken to save your company time in managing payroll.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time and Attendance.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!