
What Is The Best Time and Attendance Method for Small Business?

How the MinuteHound Biometric Time Clock Saves You Money

For over 120 years, the time clock has been in operation. Since its invention in 1888, there have been few innovations. The first time clock used paper punch cards which were inserted into a slot. A mechanical stamper would then print a timestamp onto the time card recording the date and time of the punch.

Analog Time Clocks Have Inherent Problems

As magnificent an invention as the time clock was at the time, there were still flaws in the system. These problems are discussed bat length. When analog clocks are used for tracking time and attendance, one inherent problem is that employees can and will often lose time cards. It takes time and money to order new time cards for employees, which cuts into the company’s profits. Analog clocks can easily be cheated. A skillful employee can either alter the time and attendance sheet itself, or convince another person, usually a buddy, to punch in for them. This practice is called buddy punching.

This is a problem in a very large percentage of businesses. According to this article from EPay Systems, a company that tracks time and attendance data worldwide, 74% of employers experience losses just from buddy punching, adding up to a net loss of as much as 2.2% of a company’s gross payroll expenses.

Mechanical Failure

Analog time clocks had a lot of moving parts, and thus were prone to failure. More often than not, you would see a time clock that was out of order, which presented another set of problems: the time cards had to be filled out manually, allowing employees to manipulate their time cards. Without proof that the time cards had been manipulated, companies had to suffer large losses.

Buddy punching is just one method of time theft. Employees also steal time just by being unproductive while on the clock, although many either don’t realize or do not consider that theft. As an employer, you really need to put the hammer down on people who are being unproductive if you want to keep your profits. The first step in achieving this task is installing a more reliable and efficient way of tracking time and attendance data.

The Solution: MinuteHound’s Biometric Time and Attendance System

Researchers at MinuteHound have developed a new time and attendance system that works off biometrics. Gone are the conventional time cards and attendance sheets of yesteryear. MinuteHound’s system uses cutting-edge fingerprint scanning technology.

Here are a few key facts to give you an overview:

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time and Attendance.

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