
Why Time and Attendance is More Accurate but Less Expensive with Faceclock Authentication

Remember the days of watching movies and thinking all the cool stuff you saw was just that…..movie “stuff”!? Well not anymore! Cool gadgets and advanced technology is not just for James Bond anymore. Flying cars are being made and now employers can have their entire staff clock in and out of work via facial recognition. All employees have to do is show up to work, take breaks, and leave for the day by looking at the camera. Then, off they go! Super simple but impossible to cheat. Employees are honest because, well, that is the only option they have! No more cheating or buddy punching. No more mistakes, accidents, or common human error either. MinuteHound’s facial recognition is that advanced!

Faceclock authentication is when an employee clocks in or out. MinuteHound’s patented app and technology does not take their picture, but instead measures the distance between eyes and nose and all that techy stuff! Bottom-line is authentication. No one can rob your payroll ever again! In addition, MinuteHound is very cost effective. You only pay per employee and per location. So this is not a one size fits all solution. Both small and large companies can gain a huge advantage using this technology. Plus discounts are available for a wide array of businesses. Contact us today and find out!

The process is very simple from the standpoint of you can sign up and start using within 5 minutes! All you need to do is sign up for a free trial and then download the facial recognition app. You can use it for free, on as many devices with as many employees as you want for 3 full weeks! That is how confident MinuteHound is with this technology. You can start using it right away to answer any questions you have. If you love it then keep it and you won’t mind paying! If it just does not work out for you, then simply stop using and delete the app! Pretty simple right. No strings either. When you sign up for the free trial no billing information is even required. So start using right away!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock Time Clock Calculator See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory. MinuteHound We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours. Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today! TimeClock@MinuteHound.com