
Time Clock Blog 2019: Modern and Scale-able for The Future!

Time Clock Blog 2019: Time to Upgrade!

With every new year people look back on the year that was. In most cases, time flies! You look back and wonder where it went. It is the same for business owners. They look back and reflect at what went right, wrong, and which process could use improvement. This time clock blog highlights a tool that a business can use to lower costs and manage employees on a higher, more efficient level. Technology is amazing! However, for a business owner technology is only as good as its application. This time clock blog will describe how the system works.

MinuteHound’s fingerprint time clock is so easy to use. You simply plug it into any PC or laptop so that employees can place their finger down to clock-in. The time clock blog also notes that managers have 24/7 access to information from any device. The system itself is cloud-based. The only part that requires a physical connection is the fingerprint scanner itself. Once installed (which takes about 10 minutes) employees are off to work. No more time theft. No more buddy punching. No more overpaying. Employers love this system as it pays for itself within the first couple months! Read more from this time clock blog to find out how little it costs.

Time Clock Blog 2019: Whats The Price!

The best part of this system is the technology. Running at a close 2nd however is the price: only $1.00 per employee! If you have 10 employee it is only 10 bucks a month. That includes every feature MinuteHound has to offer. E-mail alerts, custom reports, and so much more. It also includes all future updates. Not a bad price right! This way even small business owners can afford the same technology the big dogs have.

You can also setup schedules inside MinuteHound as well. The system is built for 2019 and beyond! It is an all in 1 full solution for any business. This technology helps control employees and payroll. Employees cover for each other at work. That is the simple truth. Great news though, the solution is just as simple! Try MinuteHound today for only $1.00 per employee per month. Be more efficient and save money while doing it.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Time Clock Blog 2019.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
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