
Web Based Online Time Clock for Employees and Staff

Secure Your Time Clock Data

We live in the information age. This means that information is one of our most valuable assets. It’s the lifeblood of most business. Protecting and ensuring that information is accurate and up to date is one of the most important things we can do for our business. Whether it is client data, ordering data, or employee data, data is important. Many companies guard their client data, ordering data, and other data but are still using insecure methods of employee data storage. No part of a company is an island. All data works together to build the business. All of it is equally important. Managing employee data is easier than ever thanks to MinuteHound’s online time clock.

Online Time Clock Data is Safe and Secure

By far, the most important piece of employee data is time clock data. Many companies are using older paper clocks that are prone to data loss. This is very 19th century. An online time clock provides instant time clock information. It’s always up to date and accurate. It’s trustworthy. It’s secure. It’s always available. Minutehound’s online time clock stores all data on the cloud. Information is readily accessible and is protected from data loss. The data is encrypted with 128 bit encryption on the cloud. Access can be limited to those who need the data. It doesn’t matter if they are in the facility or at headquarters. This type data control is really only available with an online time clock system.

Works With Current Security

The online time clock works with existing security initiatives. It provides an alternitive to any existing systems. While workers take their paycheck seriously, they may not take other protocols nearly as serious. Buddy swiping can be a problem at the entrances and exits of secure facilities. It doesn’t matter if a friend swipes them in or they walk on their friend’s swipe, security has been violated. A comparison of time punches can be quickly made to employee security swipes. If a mismatch occurs, employees can be educated about security protocols. Those who need the time clock information to make business decisions appreciate an online time clock. They can access the information to make production forecasts. They can ensure that production schedules are kept on target. An online time clock is also important to those in workforce management. They can use the information in real time to optimize production.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
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No training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Online Time Clock.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!