Timesheet Application- Excel, PDF, and ASCII Employee Payroll Reports

How A Timesheet Application Works

If you own or operate a business, you are well aware of how much money can be lost because of payroll issues. These losses can be especially crippling for small businesses that do not have the capital to withstand them. Now there is finally a timesheet application that is capable of preventing those losses from ever happening again. It is called MinuteHound. It is the future of time and attendance, but the future is now!

Unapproved overtime, buddy punching, time clock manipulation and time card errors are all problems that business owners or managers need to constantly be on the lookout for. Whether it happens because an employee is being dishonest, a mechanical error or an honest mistake, the result is still the same: your business loses money. However, all of these issues can now be easily avoided. The revolutionary timesheet application known as MinuteHound utilizes patented technology that was originally designed to secure important military facilities.

The Timesheet Application To Secure Your Business

This state of the art timesheet application allows your employees to clock in and clock out by having their fingerprint scanned. To ensure that this sensitive data remains secure at all times, the scanned fingerprint is converted into a 128-bit number. It is then encrypted and sent to multiple servers. It is safe to say that nobody is going to access your data for this timesheet application unless they are authorized to do so. Security is of the utmost importance to MinuteHound.

Because your employees will be signing in via fingerprint, it makes it impossible for a person to tamper with a time card or punch in a friend who is absent or late. In fact, if an employee is late or leaves before they are supposed to, this timesheet application will send you an email and/or text message so that you are always aware of what your employees are up to when you are not around. The timesheet application will notify any designated party, in real time, of all staff activity.

Web Based Timesheet ApplicationThis is a cloud based timesheet application, so you can easily log on to view real time data of who is on the clock. All information can be edited via any web browser. Once ready to run payroll, reports can be downloaded and exported in Excel, PDF, and ASCII formats. Within clicks, reports are ready to be processed! All you need is an Internet connection. You never can predict what problems are going to arise. Problems have a way of happening at the oddest times. Because of this, MinuteHound offers around the clock support. Technical professionals are here for you, always. Try MinuteHound risk free with no obligations. You will see how much it can benefit your business.

The Timesheet Application Is Easy To Install and Use

MinuteHound is a timesheet application that can save your business five percent off your payroll. It is simple to set up, requires no training and only costs pennies a day. There is no reason for any business not to give this timesheet application a try. Contact MinuteHound today and watch your profits soar!

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
Time Clock Calculator
See For Yourself Why MinuteHound Is Top Dog. Compare Our System Vs Others

MinuteHound Time and AttendanceNo training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Timesheet Application.

We are confident in our business. Be just as confident in yours.
Call (800) 351-7237 MinuteHound today!

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  1. Good day! I really love this blog and all of the useful information on it. Thanks so much !

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