Small, Reliable and Low Cost – Biometric Fingerprint Scanner

A Touch of a Finger Brings Peace of Mind

With the recent series of tragic events occurring in schools and universities, having a student attendance verification system is more important that ever. Just think about it: When a natural disaster or another unfortunate event happens, how do you account for all of the students? With a MinuteHound biometric fingerprint scanner, parents can breathe easy knowing that their child’s whereabouts are accounted for.

When students arrive for class, all they need to do is place their thumb or finger on the biometric fingerprint scanner to record their presence. Instantly, their arrival time is documented. Administrative staff can then log onto any computer or mobile device and verify a specific student’s physical location. Since all personal information is stored on an encrypted cloud, administrative personnel can view attendance reports, from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Effortless Setup
After setting up an account for your MinuteHound biometric fingerprint scanner system, the fingerprint scanners are sent out. There are no learning curves to overcome or lengthy training periods involved. Administrators simply plug the scanner into any computer and it’s ready to go! Students only need to scan their finger or thumb and in less than 2 seconds, their attendance is captured. A biometric fingerprint scanner attendance system is foolproof. Additionally, it’s impossible for students to use the buddy system and lie about their whereabouts. This is a highly effective deterrent for students who are usually truant. Attendance keeping is always 100 percent accurate.

MinuteHound Fingerprint Time ClockAfter students scan their fingerprint, it’s broken down into a specific set of digits. This type of high-tech security is only one of the advantages of installing a MinuteHound biometric fingerprint scanner. The actual fingerprint is converted into a unique code and then stored on multiple servers using 128 bit encryption. Since there is no recorded copy of the student’s fingerprint, it’s impossible to steal the student’s identity, even in the unlikely event the biometric fingerprint scanner is stolen. All private information remains private, and this is one of the main reasons schools and universities choose to install a MinuteHound biometric fingerprint scanner attendance system.

Head Count is a Snap

In addition to making schools safer in the event of an emergency, a biometric fingerprint scanner gives teachers more time to do what they are trained to do best. Instead of having to do a traditional roll call, teachers are able to log onto a computer and see who’s in class or who isn’t. No more sifting through attendance sheets and wasting time that could be spent teaching. Furthermore, with a MinuteHound biometric fingerprint scanner verification system, administrators are able to send and receive text messages and emails regarding the whereabouts of students. This feature is also highly effective when combating truancy. With round-the-clock technical support, a MinuteHound biometric fingerprint scanner system is the perfect for learning institutions of all levels.

The Price of the MinuteHound Time Clock
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Payroll Time ClockNo training required. No Learning Curves. No Long Term Commitments. No Inventory.
MinuteHound Biometric Fingerprint Scanner.

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