How Can An Employee Be Stopped From Stealing Time At Work?

Is There A Foolproof way to Stop Employees From Stealing Time?

Every minute is precious. While everyone has their own pace and a good way to stay productive, it’s easy for some workers to slip into an idle, even counter-productive slump. From web browsing to punching in late and leaving early, there are a lot of ways to shave time off the clock. Even if your team is giving up pay, are you losing far more than their wages because of slow progress and unmet commitments? Here are a few details on stealing time and how to tighten up productivity without wasting too much of your own time on micromanagement.

Clock In At The Workstation, Not The Door
A lot can happen between the door and the workstation. Some people get into conversations that can go on long past starting time. Other people may be interrupted by others on the way to their duties, which can affect bother the worker’s performance and the work queue.

Stealing time can be a creative endeavor. Employees could be exploring the workplace or visiting others and pretending to be busy. Whether you’re dealing with top-tier creative slackers or easily-distracted people needing a gentle nudge, a localized clock-in can help.

Why not bind the clock to the workstation?

When workers have to check in at their desk, there’s less of a chance that they can wander off or get lost in other parts of their day. While it’s still possible that someone could sit down, clock in, and run from their chair, you’re cutting down on workers who allow random distractions to stop them from reaching their main task.

Fingerprint AttendanceSlow clock-ins aren’t fair to anyone. If you have a centralized clocking system that requires standing in line, why should someone be penalized because they didn’t leave home in time to beat the line? Don’t use the system as a punishment tool if you can help it. It’s not stealing time if they’re dealing with a bad system. Rather, the system itself is stealing time.

Biometric Clocking For Faster Access
The clock-in process can be slow for many reasons. Some people struggle with technology, while others simply hate dealing with awkward systems. Many time management systems use old interfaces from the late 1990’s and early 2000’s. Employees shouldn’t have to sit through slow, clunky Javascript or Microsoft Basic boxes that lag and crash before getting to the login screen.

Access cards and ID badges can be lost easily. This is an issue for slow clock-ins and security alike, as someone could steal a clock-in token that also logs into your systems. Dishonest teams could also clock each other in as some employees continue stealing time. Instead, use something like a fingerprint scanner. Fingerprints are extremely hard to lose, and can identify employees with the touch of a finger.

Contact a time management professional to discuss fast, easy, and reliable ways to streamline the clock-in process at your business or project. Make stealing time a thing of the past.

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